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Please click the “+” sign in front of each training topic to learn more about the class in details
A Relationship Manager in a banking institution has a very important role because his duties relate directly to external customers and internal customers in creating good working relationships to then increase income for the bank. With this role, a good Relationship Manager, must be continuously equipping itself with various information available in the market in order to increase insight so that it can provide the best service for its customers.
Target Audience:
- Relationship Manager Corporate Banking
- Transaction Banking Sales: Trade Finance Product and Sales
- Branch Manager
- Risk Team Member
- Strategic and Policy Division Team Member.
- Legal Division Team Member
At the end of the training, participants are expected to:
- Have a comprehensive understanding of trends in trade finance globally including challenges as well as its best practices.
- Understand various Trade Finance products as well as Structured Trade Finance along with the use of these products and various associated risks
- In general, understanding various Risk Mitigation that is often used by Global Bank to reduce risk in Trade Finance transactions
Managing Treasury Division professionally is a must, using the right financial products to manage risk, maximize cash flow, and minimize debt funding is part of the daily process of managing Treasury appropriately. This training will show the structure and key functions of treasury and provide a deep understanding of the mechanisms and products used by banks in managing Treasury. Classes can be held for Basic, Intermediate or Advanced level
Target Audience:
- Treasury Division Team Members
- Risk Management Officers
- Relationship Managers / Account Officers
- Policy and Strategic Planners
- Internal Auditor
- Treasury Operation Division Team Members
- Legal Division Team Members
At the end of the training, participants are expected to be able to:
- Understand how financial markets work and related risks.
- Understand the characteristics and dynamics of Money Market.
- Understand the basics of Fixed Income Market and how to manage a Fixed Income product portfolio.
- Understand the basic components of the Foreign Exchange Market including factors that affect exchange rate movements, pricing mechanisms and applications of several products to minimize FX risks.
- Understand exchange rate derivative transactions and interest rate derivatives
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“Anyone who stops learning is old , whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young – Henry Ford”