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As a banking institution, each activity must refer to regulations issued by Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority, the ability to translate each regulation into a form of policies and procedures to support all comprehensive banking activities are needed.

Target Audience:

  • Corporate Policy and Procedure Division Team Member
  • Legal Division Team Member
  • Compliance Division Team Member


After attending the training, participants are expected to be able to:

  • Establish standards for the formulation of Policies and SOPs systematically.
  • Develop the ability to identify critical points in Policies and SOPs to simplify business processes
  • Improve the ability to analyze information and related regulations to establish policies and SOPs.
  • Apply understanding gained during training in daily work so as to be able to continuously update operational processes to be more efficient and effective.


Human Resources plays a big role in the success and achievement of the Company. The position of the HR Director is very important in directing the department, therefore the incumbent must understand the various functions of the department. This proposal is designed to train Incumbents to understand the overall function of the Human Resources Department.

 Target Audience:

  • HR Executives


  • After attending this coaching session, participants are expected to comprehensively understand overall function of HR Department

With the growing payment traffic between institutions both domestically and abroad, a secure payment system is needed. In this training participants will get an understanding of various aspects of business in relation to Payment and Cash Management Messages, especially about SWIFT as one of the Financial Messaging A network that operates worldwide to carry out transaction messages or orders securely between bank or non-bank financial institutions. 

Target Audience:

  • Operations Manager / Team Members
  • FI – Correspondence Bank Team Members
  • Remittance Operations Team Members
  • Risk Management Officers
  • Internal Auditor / SPI
  • Compliance Officers
  • System and Procedure  Team Members


At the end of the training, participants are expected to be able to:

  • Understand the concept of traffic and payment systems in a comprehensive manner.
  • Understand various messaging services terms.
  • Understand the various types of messaging services and their uses.


This training is intended to understand SWIFT messages including changes in message format for trade finance transactions between institutions both domestic and abroad (Letter of Credit, Guarantees and collections) including the type of MT field updating used and related regulations. 

Target Audience:

  • Trade Finance Service and Product Team Members
  • FI – Correspondence Bank Team Members
  • Risk Management Officers
  • Internal Auditor / SPI
  • Compliance Officers
  • System and Procedure  Team Members


In this training, participants will get an understanding of various technical and business aspects related to Trade Finance transactions using MT7xx & MT4xx, RMA Trade models, Sanction Screening, fees for using SWIFT messages for trade transactions, Broadcast messages, how to use SWIFT MT 4xx for Collections , changes in Message for Documentary Credit (MT70x75x and Guarantee (MT76x-78x), MT 202 for Interbank Transfers, MT79x for Common messages, MT798 for instructions from MNC / Corporation and Changes in future trade finance models with the concept of Blockchain (DLT) .

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“Anyone who stops learning is old , whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young – Henry Ford”