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Indonesia has entered the anti-terrorism regime with the birth of Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning APU-PPT. All financial institutions that serve as local-regional and international financial transaction media with offices in Indonesia must support this law.One of the ways that can be carried out by Financial Institutions is through early prevention and early warning systems (EWS) by implementing the identification-monitoring-reporting process.This training provides an understanding of the Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Funding Programs. Training material based on the latest POJK No.12 / POJK.01 / 2017, Law No. 8 of 2010 and Law No. 9 of 2013.
Target Audience:
- Front liner employees
- Middle management
- The work unit or official responsible for implementing the APU-PPT program
- Compliance Division Team Member
At the end of the training participants are expected to be able to:
- Fostering a culture of risk awareness towards money laundering and terrorism financing activities for each employee, especially front liner officers.
- Learn the techniques of mitigating risks that might arise in areas that are vulnerable to money laundering and financing of terrorism in accordance with POJK and related laws.
Banking activities are always related to risk and if we understand the correct mitigation process, we can manage the risk to carry out activities, minimize losses and penalties and also to meet stakeholder expectations. In this training, participants will understand the risks surrounding activities in branches and the required mitigation factors.
Target Audience:
- Branch Operational Staff including Teller and Customer Service
- Operations Staff at Head Office
At the end of the training, participants will increase their knowledge and skills in:
- Identifying, evaluating, mitigating, and controlling risk
- Minimize threats and increase business opportunities
- Have a culture of risk awareness among team members
The use of Check and Bilyet Giro as a legal payment instrument is very significant in Indonesia, this requires banks as a financial institutions play an important role in processing Check and Bilyet Giro. The banks must ensure payment can be made appropriately, therefore a good understanding of the entire payment process by Check and Bilyet Giro is required, including a comprehensive understanding of Daftar Hitam Nasional (DHN) because DHN provides information about the identity of the account holder who withdraws Checks and / or Bilyet Giro either through clearing or over the counter (bank counters).
Target Audience:
- Branch Manager
- Branch Operations Manager
- Account Officer / Relationship Manager
- Branch Operational Staff such as Tellers, Customer Service, Transfer and Clearing
- Operational Staff – Head Office
At the end of the training, participants are expected to:
- Understand Check and Bilyet Giro as a legal payment instrument, along with the risks associated with its use.
- Understanding DHN as one of the information in making payments with Check and Bilyet Giro.
- Able to educate customers about the criteria and implications of entering DHN
- Understand the risks faced by the Bank if it does not administer DHN properly.
Securities Companies and Multi Finance as non-bank financial institutions are some of the banking customers with a specific business model. And because of that, banks will need a special approach in conducting analysis. This training is intended to equip bank employees related to providing facilities for non-bank financial institutions
Target Audience:
- Relationship Manager Financial Institution
- Credit Analyst Financial Institution
- Risk Department Team Member
- Strategic and Policy Division Team Member
- Legal Division Team Member
- Internal Audit Team Member
At the end of the training participants are expected to be able to:· Understand the business model of securities and multi-finance companies in general· Understand the various products and credit structures of securities companies and multi finance· Comprehensive understanding of best practices in conducting credit analysis for non-bank financial institutions, especially securities and multi-finance companies.· In general, understanding various Risk Mitigation that is often used by Global Bank to reduce risk in transactions with non-bank financial institutions.
As an important part of the banking industry, the Collection Division has specific roles and responsibilities. By considering the business relationships that have existed with customers, the collection efforts made to debtors who are in arrears require employees to carry out their duties professionally. To be able to do this, special skills are needed where members of the Collection Division must understand, among other things, things that are often the reasons for arrears in payment so that the correct collection process can be carried out including how to conduct a quality negotiation process.
Target Audience:
- Junior employees from Collections Division
- Management Trainee
- Equip participants with the skills needed in Collection and manage relationships with customers.
- Equip participants with skills in understanding customer behavior patterns and how to manage them.
- Ensuring the team is equipped with Effective Negotiation skills in reaching agreements with customers.
By attending this training, participants are expected to be able to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes in recognizing and understanding customer foreign exchange transactions and supporting documents so that they can help smooth customer activities, support the role of Bank Indonesia in maintaining monetary stability and avoid the Bank from the possibility of being subject to significant sanctions from Bank Indonesia.
Target Audience:
- Front line employees.
- Operations division employees.
- Middle management
- Compliance Division Team Member
- Risk Management Division Team Member
- Internal Control Division Team Member
- Recognize and comprehensively understand the provisions of bank transactions in general and foreign exchange specifically in accordance with PBI and PADG.
- Able to recognize and understand the reasonableness of the underlying document,
- Improve the ability to understand, to detect and to prevent fraud in regards to underlying documents for FX transactions
- Can help the Bank maintaining its assets and reputation.
The term Cash Management refers to various types of financing that involve receipts and payments, as well as the use of other cash. This means that the involvement of market liquidity, cash flow, and selected types of investment plays an important role. This training will provide an understanding of Cash Management, Cash Management Product Series, Sales Process and Client Services, including a brief description of techniques and best practices. The trainees will also learn how to provide solutions that fit to customer’s needs
Target Audience:
- Relationship Manager and ARM from Corporate Banking Division
- Funding Officers / RM Commercial Banking.
- Operation /Transaction Banking Manager
- Manager / Staff Compliance Division
- Manager / Staff Internal Audit Division
- Manager/ Staff Legal Division
At the end of the training, participants are expected to:
- Understand how Cash Management is arranged for corporate customers.
- Understand the usefulness and importance of Cash Management.
- Understand how Cash Management should be used in the customer’s business cycle.
- Understand various types of Cash Management products
One of the functions of the Bank is to become a financial intermediary, accepting deposits from the public and lending them for productive purposes. This function is very important because the economic development of a country is quite dependent on bank credit schemes. This training is designed to learn how the process of lending to large and medium sized borrowers, but each module can be adjusted to reflect the Bank’s customer profile, financial markets, geographical location, and the Bank’s own credit policy.
Target Audience:
- Relationship Managers
- Business Development Officers
- Credit Analysts / Reviewers
- Management Trainee
- Equip participants with the skills needed in lending to customers, including understanding of the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow and the importance of working capital analysis
- Equip participants with skills in understanding customer business behavior patterns along with analysis of related risks.
Understanding the process of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) as one of the company’s business strategies is one of the things that needs to be known in terms of building long-term relationships with customers and employees who deal with customers are expected to not only be able to identify opportunities, but can also filter them before the transaction brought to the Investment Banking division
Target Audience:
- Business: Corporate Banking and Commercial Banking Division Team Member
- Treasury Sales Team Member
- Credit Analyst Division Team Member
- Risk Management Division Team Member
- Special Asset Management Division Team Member
At the end of the training, participants are expected to:
- Understand the definitions and types of M&A and the reasons companies do M&A.
- Understand comprehensively the fundamental issues in the M&A process, the strategic priorities and approaches of various related parties and the things needed for the success of M&A.
- Understand the business opportunities obtained by companies that do them and understand the consequences for banks as creditors for these companies
Sustainable finance is a topic with a wide scope and the implementation of this regulation will affect many fields in a bank, starting from the board of commissioners / directors, business people, to credit analysts. In this training, the background of the regulation and the involvement of parties in Indonesia will be explained, provide an overview and impact on the management and operations of a bank, and an overview of sustainable financial risk analysis that must be carried out
Target Audience:
- Senior Corporate and Commercial Senior Relationship Managers
- Credit Management Committee
- Risk Management Committee
- Credit Analysis Committee
- Strategy and policy committee
At the end of the training, participants are expected to:
- Have a comprehensive understanding of sustainable finance.
- Understand OJK’s reasons for introducing POJK 51 / POJK.03 / 2017 regulations and Indonesia’s commitment to sustainable financial development goals (“SDG” Sustainable Development Goals)
- Have a comprehensive understanding of OJK Regulation 51 / POJK.03 / 2017
- Understand the rules of reporting on the Sustainable Financial Action Plan (RAKB) which must be submitted to the OJK every April 30, starting April 30, 2019.
- Understand procedures related to social and environmental risk analysis
- Understand how governance and responsibilities are expected from councils and committees related to sustainable finance
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“Anyone who stops learning is old , whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young – Henry Ford”